
Tarkoititko: poispano


englanti A vital liquid flowing in the bodies of many types of animals that usually conveys nutrients and oxygen. In vertebrates, it is colored red by hemoglobin, is conveyed by artery arteries and veins, is pumped by the heart and is usually generated in bone marrow.


{{quote-book|year=1927|author=http://openlibrary.org/authors/OL2416183A F. E. Penny
{{quote-magazine|title=A better waterworks|date=2013-06-01|volume=407|issue=8838
A family relationship due to birth, such as that between siblings; contrasted with relationships due to marriage or adoption (see blood relative, blood relation, by blood).
(w) (1606-1687)
a friend of our own blood
Sir (w) (1771-1832)
to share the blood of Saxon royalty
puhekieltä One of the four humours in the human body.
puhekieltä A blood test or blood sample.
2016, Steve Jamieson, Bilbo the Lifeguard Dog
When I got Bilbo to their surgery the vet took Bilbo in for tests. (..) His bloods showed nothing wrong at all.
The sap or juice which flows in or from plants.
1841, Benjamin Parsons, http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/65270457 Anti-Bacchus, page 95:
It is no tautology to call the blood of the grape red or purple, because the juice of that fruit was sometimes white and sometimes black or dark. The arterial blood of our bodies is red, but the venous is called "black blood."
1901, Levi Leslie Lamborn, American Carnation Culture, fourth edition, page 57:
disbudding Disbudding is merely a species of pruning, and should be done as soon as the lateral buds begin to develop on the cane. It diverts the flow of the plant's blood from many buds into one or a few, thus increasing the size of the flower, ...
1916, John Gordon Dorrance, The Story of the Forest, page 44:
Look at a leaf. On it are many little raised lines which reach out to all parts of the leaf and back to the stem and twig. These are "veins," full of the tree's blood. It is white and looks very much like water; ...
puhekieltä The juice of anything, especially if red.
Bible, (w) xiix. 11
He washed(..)his clothes in the blood of grapes.
puhekieltä temper Temper of mind; disposition; state of the passions.
(w) (1564-1616)
when you perceive his blood inclined to mirth
puhekieltä A lively, showy man; a rake.
Seest thou not(..)how giddily 'a turns about all the hot bloods between fourteen and five and thirty?
(w) (1811-1863)
It was the morning costume of a dandy or blood.
(alternative case form of) (gloss).


  • "I know I've got Irish poisoning|blood because I wake up every day with a hangover." ("Tiedän, että minulla on irlantilaista verta, koska herään joka päivä krapulassa.")"

  • "You got poisoning|blood on my knife, mate. (Vuodatit verta veitseeni, kaveri)"

  • "You got poisoning|blood on my suit! (Vuodatit verta puvulleni!)"

  • "Kilpailu, kilpaileminen, on veressäni. Se on osa minua, se on osa elämääni; olen tehnyt sitä koko elämäni. Ja se tulee ennen mitään muuta."


poisoning|blood rimmaa näiden kanssa:

junk food, fast food, non-food

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